Facility Information

Details for Shelter - Underwood Park

Shelter CapacityRentals AllowedNo Rentals During these Months

Underwood ParkObservatory & Rose LnSpringdale, OH, 45246Facility: Shelter - Underwood Park

$0.00 = $0.00 $0.00 = $0.00 $100.00 = $100.00 $100.00 = $100.00

1. Renter must keep proof of reservation with them at the time of rental.
2. Parks are open dawn to dusk. Shelter rental is for the day and can only be reserved April 1 - September 30.
2. Reservation only includes the sheltered areas. All other areas of the park remain open to the public including the playground equipment, restrooms, and parking lots.
3. Springdale residents & businesses rates include a refundable deposit of $50 - Rental Rate – $50 per day. Deposit must be paid by credit card. Full payment required at the time of rental.
4. Non-Residents rates include a refundable deposit of $100 - Rental Rate - $100 per day. Deposit must be paid by credit card. Full payment required at the time of rental.
5. Bounce Houses/Inflatables are not permitted.
6. Shelter rental times include set-up and clean-up.

A complete list of guidelines can be viewed by clicking on the info button to the right of each room listing and clicking on the receipt document at the bottom of the page.

For a copy of the Room Rental Form and guidelines go to https://www.springdale.org/publicfiles/FacilityReservationandGuidelines-2021.pdf